The days are slipping through my fingers and blurring together with this house arrest.

4:30 am woke up, tried to get back to sleep; 7:30 am alarm; 8 am actually get up and retrieve Aria (playing in her crib); 8:30 coffee; 9 am retreat to work; 12:30 pm lunch (Thundercloud subs); 1 pm back to work; 2 pm remembered I hadn’t had any water yet and it’s raining so I can’t go for a walk like I want to; 4:30 pm stop working and start chasing Aria around the house. She’s busy exploring ev.ry.thing; 5:45 pm rushed dinner—we were running late because of a tree in our yard; 6 pm bath time; 6:30 pm pjs, bottle, books, cuddle and bedtime for Aria; 7 pm where the heck did the day go?